Alpinista escala los Alpes y encuentran un lago donde antes había nieve

Por: Eduardo Sánchez

“ Tiempo de sonar las alarmas ”, con este mensaje el alpinista Bryan Mestre publicó un video y fotos de un lago en medio de la nieve de los Alpes franceses, en la cordillera del Mont Blanc.
La formación de este acuífero posiblemente se originó a partir de la nieve glacial derretida durante la intensa onda de calor que golpeó a Europa en junio.

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Time to sound the alarm... The problem here? These two pictures were taken only 10 days apart... It was taken earlier on June 28th, the second one was shared by Paul Todhunter. Only 10 days of extreme heat were enough to collapse, melt and form a lake at the base of the Dent du Géant and the Aiguilles Marbrées That I know, this is the first time anything like that as ever happened. Southern Europe and the Alps have been struck by a massive heatwave with temperature ranging from 40 to 50 degrees, the below 0 freezing altitude was as high as 4,700m (15,400ft) and during the day temperatures as high as 10 degrees Celsius (50 F) were felt on top of Mont Blanc 4,810m (15,780ft)... This is truly alarming glaciers all over the world are melting at an exponential speed... My interview with @mblivetv can be found here! #climbing #climber #climb #frenchalps #savoie #savoiemontblanc #hautesavoie #outdoors #globalwarming #mountaineering #mountains #mountain #montagne #montaña #montagna #montanhismo #mountaineer #alpinist #alpinism #alpinisme #alpinismo #alpi #alps #environment #savetheplanet #climatechange #montblanc @patagonia @beal.official @millet_mountain @blueiceclimbing

Una publicación compartida de Bryan Mestre (@bryanthealpinist) el

Lo extraordinario, según describió Mestre, es que 10 días antes de captar las imágenes la nieve lo cubría todo. “ Solo 10 días de calor extremo fueron suficientes para colapsar, derretirse y formar un lago en la base del Diente Gigante y Aiguilles Marbrées ”, escribió el alpinista.


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To all the people claiming it was a fake or a photoshopped picture, a false flag or whatever... It’s very real, the glacier is in terrible shape and liquid water only accelerates the melting process... There’s now a lake at the base of Dent du Géant and Aiguilles Marbrées.... Keep sharing! My interview with @mblivetv can be found here! #climbing #climber #climb #frenchalps #savoie #savoiemontblanc #hautesavoie #outdoors #globalwarming #mountaineering #mountains #mountain #montagne #montagna #montaña #montanhismo #mountaineer #alpinist #alpinism #alpinisme #alpinismo #alpi #alps #alpes #environment #savetheplanet #climatechange #montblanc @beal.official @millet_mountain @patagonia @blueiceclimbing

Una publicación compartida de Bryan Mestre (@bryanthealpinist) el

El aumento de la temperatura global, el cambio climático, una intrusión extraordinaria del aire cálido del Sáhara y factores atmosféricos están detrás del infierno de junio.